All sales are final. Because we offer a Free 1-day evaluation to ensure that our products and services will meet your needs without the need to purchase, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS and CANCELLATIONS.
Before deciding to subscribe to our services, please make sure to take our 1-day free trial, the evaluation version that we provide. We do not offer refunds on subscriptions that have already been taken.
While purchasing for any of the listed services/subscription packs if there is a technical error and for some reason, the subscription pack doesn’t get activated then you are permitted to get a refund from our side if you request so, it will be processed in the original mode of payment, which will be credited within 7 to 10 working days. But if the subscription pack gets Activated from our side there will be no refund/Cancellation whatsoever after the payment is done.
We believe in our services and support and even give a 1-day free trial that we have a NO REFUND POLICY without any exception.
The client’s Sole responsibility is to read and understand all information associated with the products/services and Customer support offered by Shubhlaxmi Investment and its Assignees.
For this reason, we strongly recommend that before payment, our visitors shall go through the details on the following pages:
Privacy PolicyDisclaimerTerms & Conditions